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TGK4: The water cycle
This is the last activity in the foundation section on mixtures. It provides and opportunity for students to relate particle theory ideas to different samples. If students do not select a correct set of answers, they will have a chance to try again. The correct answers are:

1. Sea water: mixture of all the types of particles, with several ‘other’ particles visible.
2. Air: no ‘other’ particles, just a mix of nitrogen, oxygen and water particles; the spacing between particles
shows the sample is in the gaseous state.
3. Clouds: A mix of nitrogen, oxygen and water particles, but with the water particles in ‘clumps’.
4. Raindrops: Mostly water particles with some nitrogen and oxygen particles; the spacing suggests the sample is
in the liquid state.
5. River water: a mixture of all of the types of particles, with few ‘other’ particles visible.
The third and final foundation section follows on directly from this activity, and deals with ‘changing substances’.

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