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In each of the three reactions we have just considered, the hydrogen atoms in the acid molecules are ‘replaced’ by a ‘metal’ atom. The new substance has a giant structure (due to a change in type of bonding).

Hydrochloric acid gives a ‘metal’ chloride.
Sulfuric acid gives a ‘metal’ sulfate.
Nitric acid gives a ‘metal’ nitrate.

At the same time, the hydrogen atoms do one of
the following:

form the elementary substance hydrogen (H2) if the reaction is with an elementary ‘metal’
go towards making water if the reaction is with a ‘metal’ oxide
take part in a rearrangement to give water and carbon dioxide if the reaction is with a ‘metal’ carbonate.
not applicable

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w1: acids
w2: hydrochloric
w3: sulfuric
w4: nitric
w5: patterns

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