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TGB3: Review of ideas
Notes on ‘Think for Yourself’ questions.

You could use these questions to prompt discussion, or you might ask students to write down the answers. The questions and suggested answers are listed below:

‘How do the animations show that the wax is in the solid state?’
The particles are in fixed positions; they keep the same neighbours; there is a pattern.

Why do the particles in a solid behave like this?
The particles’ hold on each other is strong enough to stop them moving around; they can only vibrate, keeping the same neighbours.

‘What happens to the particles if a lump of wax is heated from 20ºC to 50ºC?’
The particles become more energetic; they shake or vibrate about more vigorously; they don’t have enough energy to break loose from the hold.

‘What happens to the particles when the wax is heated to its melting point?’
The particles have enough energy to shake loose, but the holding power of the particles is still strong enough to keep them close together; the particles can move past each other; there is no overall pattern.

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