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Why different melting points? Notes on the animations

Students should notice that

Both animations show a pattern using just one kind of shape, to represent one kind of particle.
Both show particles which are shaking or vibrating, but not moving to a new position.
The lead particles are shown by a different shape from the wax particles.
The lines on the lead particle animation are thicker: this is to show that the lead particles have a stronger hold on each other.

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Notes on ‘Think for Yourself’ question.

‘Why does lead have a higher melting point than wax?’
Suggestions for what might be in a good answer are shown below:

The lead particles’ holding power is greater than the holding power of the wax particles.
This means that the lead particles need more energy before they have enough to break out of position and move around.
Heating the lead up to a higher temperature supplies this energy.

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