Notes on the particle ‘snapshots’
It is important for students to understand that the energy
transfers would be happening much faster than we can show
in any animation, and that an individual particle’s
energy would be changing all the time as a result, but the
overall energy distribution would stay the same at any given
Notes on ‘What has a temperature?’
It is important to establish these key points in preparation
for the explanation of evaporation which follows. Once again,
we are drawing attention to the distinction between properties
of individual particles (the energy) and properties of a sample
(the temperature, the state).
Notes on ‘explaining evaporation’ animation
You may want to run the animation 2 or 3 times to allow students
to see each of the different escape mechanisms. The animation
is a very short sequence, but students should understand that
eventually all of the water particles would become mixed in
amongst the air particles.
Science Enhancement Programme CD-ROM 2005 |
guide |