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TGV1: Flames: Hydrogen
The story of some flames can be quite involved, so we start at the simplest case by setting hydrogen alight and build up to more complex examples later in this topic.

Notes on the video of hydrogen burning
You may find it helpful to pause the video at key points and ‘step’ through it frame by frame as the flame is lit by
the hot wire.
The important points are:
• the flame is a chemical reaction between the hydrogen and the oxygen of the air;
• the hydrogen has to mix with the oxygen;
• the mixture has to be hot enough for the reaction to start;
• once started, the reaction gives out a lot of energy, released as heat and light;
• we see the flame because some of the energy is released as light.

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Notes on the hydrogen and oxygen drag animation

You may like to draw attention to the ‘bonds’ disappearing and reappearing on breaking and remaking.

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Notes on the simulation of hydrogen reacting with oxygen

This simulates the random motion of the molecules and runs differently each time: all of the hydrogen and oxygen molecules will react if given long enough to meet up. This simulation can also be used to explain why the rate of a reaction slows down as the reactants are used up.

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