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TGHS1: Health and Safety
The CD-ROM includes a large collection of illustrative video clips of practical laboratory activities. These materials do not provide instructions, but for those teachers’ who may wish to replicate activities shown on the CD-ROM, we offer some advice in the section ‘Practical Notes’ in the Teachers’ Guide.

Note that in the video clips, in order to avoid a reduction in image quality, safety screens have not been used during filming.

Teachers’ attempting to replicate any of the experiments should consult their employers’ risk assessments for each practical before use, and consider whether any modification is necessary for the particular circumstances of their own class/school. Where activities are not covered by the model (general) risk assessments used by their employer, schools may require a special risk assessment. If necessary, CLEAPSS members can obtain further advice by contacting the Helpline on 01895 251496 or e-mail

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