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TGHS4: Practical notes: use of gas bags
Page Name of Video Clip Notes
N2.1 Sulfur freezing This is demonstrated safely because the heating is very slow, hence no sulfur vapour escapes and ignites. Done less carefully, there is some chance of the sulfur igniting and forming toxic sulfur dioxide. It is advisable to put a plug of mineral wool in the mouth of the tube, and to remove it before pouring.
N2.2 Lead crystals The lead was reacted with 2M nitric acid (corrosive).
O2.3 Distillation Liebig In a school laboratory, the Liebig condenser should be clamped or supported (this was omitted in the video for reasons of visibility)
P2.5 Magnesium and oxygen A number of video clips refer to 'oxygen', when describing activities involving a reaction with air (i.e dilute oxygen). This video clip really does show the use of pure oxygen, and thus the reaction will be more vigorous and the flame will be much brighter.
Uses 'gas bag' - see note

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